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The tools you get for free as a MultiGP Member


Drone Racing

The official Race Management System of the
MultiGP Drone Racing League

laptimer plugins:

Official MultiGP Scoring Software

also working with:

Racesync’s full features are available exclusively on this website.
The apps are currently under continuous development.

for pilots

for race organizer

for enthusiasts


Advacend Pilot queing software

ZippyQ is a proprietary MultiGP tool,  to facilitate the progress of drone race and qualifying sessions through a series of automatic functions that are activated once the pilot scans his or her QR Code on a tablet or smartphone.

And the best part is that it’s FREE for all MultiGP members

Drone Racing

Chris Thomas
Ceo & Founder of MultiGP

Drone Racing

The road to MultiGP Championship starts here…

MultiGP Chapters are groups of pilots in a defined region or city that organize frequent drone racing events to further their skills, competition and progression of our sport.

Anyone can start their own Chapter and immediately enjoy its benefits:

  • Help your Drone Racing Community to grow fast.
  • Get rewards from MultiGP such as gates, flags and prizes.
  • Have all your Seasons, Races, Results and Leaderboard stored and visibile on MultiGP.com
  • Organize a Global Qualifier race in your Region.
  • Give the opportunity to your local pilots to participate in the MultiGP Championship 

MultiGP organizes its Chapters into Tiers. Each tier rewards a Chapter’s growth, which in turn grows our sport organically.

Proud 2025 sponsors of MultiGP Drone Racing

New to FPV?

Learn  how to pilot a FPV Drone from zero, using a simulator. It’s the best way to practice flying with no risks and not much costs.
Connect  to velocidrone.com and download MultiGP Official Drone Racing Simulator!

Drone Racing Gates
Drone Racing Gates

Racing Gates, a worldwide standard for your Drone Racing tracks.

MultiGP has developed racing gates that are simple to transport and setup.
They are specific dimensions so your chapter can easily accommodate sponsor panels when applicable. Panels are shipped to your chapter as they become available through promotion efforts.
Upon progressing through the MultiGP Chapter Tier system, your group could also earn race flags to help your group design more varied race tracks.