About Roger Bess

UTT10 now officially on Velocidrone

UTT 10: Prairie Rage is now available on Velocidrone and there has never been a better time to stay home and sim. Thank you to all of those submitting tracks and congratulations once again to Kevin “Raging Canadian” Sawatzky for his winning entry to the UTT design contest. How do I find the track? In […]

Drone Racing News, Media

UTT 10 Track Selection Announcement

Join us at 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT on Tuesday May 5th on the MultiGP YouTube Channel for the announcement of the winning Universal Time Trial Track design for UTT #10! MultiGP’s renown race commentator Joe Scully welcomes Velocidrone’s resident track design aficionado Colby “SFPV” Curtola as they recap the submissions that were curated by […]

Drone Racing News, Media

IO2020 Postponement due to Coronavirus (Covid-19)

For the past number of weeks MultiGP has been monitoring the effect of Covid-19 has been having on events, gatherings and travel restrictions and the realities that set for our marquee event, the International Open.  As we remain during a time of universal uncertainty, no matter the current outlook, we firmly believe that the experience […]

Drone Racing News, Media