Track Requirements

  1. Gates: The max size of the opening is 7 feet wide by 6 feet tall.
  2. Flags: Flags can be standalone like pictured, or attached to the end of a gate.
  3. Flags must be a min of 8ft Tall, and can be a simple piece of PVC.
  4. Your lap time starts when passing the first gate.

Build Instructions

  1. Orientate the field and determine where point A will be. Place a cone or marker.
    Then extend out a tape measure 43 feet. At the end of the tape place a rebar for Gate #2 and place the gate.

  2. Walk up 13 feet from A and place a rebar for Gate #1. Place gate #1
  3. Extend a tape 63.7 feet from gate #2, and another tape 47 feet from point A. Where these meet, place a rebar for gate #5. Place gate #5 and the flag.

  4. Extend a tape measure from Gate #5 39 feet while you extend a tape measure
    from point A 61.1 feet. Where these meet (point B) place 2 rebar for gate #3 and
    gate #4. Also place the flag.

  5.  To place the last flag, extend a tape 26.2 feet from gate #2 and 37 feet from the
    rebar you placed in step 4. Where these meet, place the rebar for the flag